ePlant Genetics
The TOAST data mining collaboration
Please use TOAST, ePlant and related bioinformatic tools to identify your gene.
Then please let us know what it is and why you find it so interesting?
The goal of this system is to allow students, teachers and researchers to share their ideas and insights with each other.
ePlant - Genetics made fun
After identifying plants in TOAST we often use ePlant to help us understand the potential role of those genes. Bioinformatic tools like this allow us to model how the genomes respond to environmental stimuli. True to the central dogma of genetics, genes are transcribed to mRNA which are then translated into proteins. These proteins then function in interactome networks that in different distinct sub-cellular sites. The EPlant software is really easy to use and a useful tool in any AstroBotany Bioinformatics Class. Find out more about this awesome tool by reading Waese et al., (2017) or follow this link give it ago!.
GAIA from the BAR
View expression patterns as electronic fluorescent pictographs or heatmaps, explore promoters, identify protein-protein interactions and more. Enter your favorite Gene name (identified using TOAST?) and learn more about how it functions.
Find out more: https://bar.utoronto.ca/
Use Gaia to guide you: https://bar.utoronto.ca/gaia/
Tomato ePlant from BAR
There are many genes that respond in Arabidopsis in space that might also respond in other plant species. Enter your favorite Tomato gene name (identified using the GeneLab X-species explorer).
Single cell sequencing data is useful for inferring biological function of genetic pathways
Link to Arabidopsis single cell library explorers (from Ghent)
Plant single cell Atlas from ghent
The Plant Single Cell Atlas provides a resource and visualization tool to access and utilize various single cell datasets that capture development of different plant tissues obtained using the 10x Genomics Chromium platform and analysis pipeline at VIB illustrated below. While more datasets are coming soon, the tool currently holds a first comprehensive dataset of the Arabidopsis thaliana root.
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